Friday, August 24, 2007

What a week

Last Wednesday at work I started receiving files for a big project that warrant speedy attention. I'd been anticipating their arrival for some time. They are part of a larger issue that has been going on for years before I was even in this position and there's some pressure to get it resolved.

But, of course, last Thursday I had ankle surgery. Off Friday and Monday for recovery, back on Tuesday. By which point MORE files on the project had arrived, also needing review. Fine fine, I got some work done Tuesday, but was still a little bit behind.

Wednesday morning I get up and my car won't start. Quick clicking sounds emanate from the dash... I figure it's the batter, alternator, or starter. Nothing much I can do while I'm still on crutches, though, so back in a go and wait for Anna to get home from work. The car is parked in the carport with no good access to the front though, and there's no way we're moving it out on our own. Any normal day would be fine, but while still recovering from ankle surgery? No, I think not. So she goes to bed, and that night we go out and buy one of those portable jump starters so we can get it moving. That done, I get the battery replaced and the charging system tested the next morning (Thursday) and all is well.

But Thursday I also had another Doctor's appointment so, between the battery and that, it's another day off. Only the Doctor's office disagreed. They didn't have me down for an appointment that day. In fact they didn't have me down for any upcoming appointments at all. Thankfully the physician's assistant is sweet and saw me anyway.

This morning I planned on returning to work... lots to do ya know? Get in my car and realize it's been broken in to. My fault, I left it unlocked, but now the car is full of the out turned contents of my glove boxes. I don't think there was anything in there particularly worth stealing, but I called all of my financial institutions anyway. Got new CC numbers, put a credit alert on file with credit bureaus, and file a report with the police. If I were to leave for work now I wouldn't arrive until almost 11 o'clock, half the day wasted, vacation leave taken for the morning. The heck with that, I'm staying home.

And I have another doctor's appointment on Monday. What a week.