Saturday, May 5, 2007

Cross-regional Content Lockdown for XBLA

Over the last few days a number of people have expressed displeasure over Microsoft's recent announcement of their decision to begin closing up certain loop holes which have allowed Live users to download content intended for regions other than their own. For those not in the loop, a user can currently create a fake Gamertag marked as being located in another country in order to access Xbox Live downloadable content from that region. In truth the how of the matter isn't as important as the what. Users are gaining access to content they weren't intended to have in the first place.

I understand that people are upset by these actions. None of us wants the world to end when they can't download those amazingly cute bunny-slippers for their iDOLM@STER character. But they are really looking at it from the wrong angle and not keeping control of their expectations. Let's take a moment to consider several facts:

1) The company is Microsoft
2) As stated above the content in question was never intended to be accessed outside of specific regions
3) You had to create a fake account, misrepresenting who you were to get to it

It doesn't require a herculean effort of logic to realize that this window would only be open for a limited time. You had a good run guys. But you had to know it was coming.

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