Thursday, January 22, 2009

The New Year in Games part I.b

Not quite part II yet, but a few followups to the previous post.

1) The former 1up show crew has their new company setup at (named after the final, and all important, level of Rez). There you will find the first episode of their new show, Co-Op, available through download and their Youtube channel (please support the Youtube channel).

2) James Mielke is returning to, and with him comes the return of cover stories. I think that's fantastic news, and really shows the the UGO guys appreciate former 1up staffers. And Mielke's not the only former 1uper to return to the site, but he's probably the most high profile.

3) I neglected to also mention Ryan Scott has, in the wake of the 1up layoffs, also set up his own site at, and is producing a weekly podcast as well, available through the usual sources.

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